Thursday, October 29, 2009

Eight Year "Anniversary"

Just a quick post to point out that it's been eight years since my arrest. Exactly eight years ago, I was sitting in a cell, wondering what the fuck was going to happen to me.

I've come to realize that, regardless of anything, time flies, not just when you're having fun, but in retrospect.

Odd enough to say, as boring as it was, as much as it sucked not being free, time in jail still flew. Yeah on an everyday basis, midnight couldn't come fast enough, but when looking back, I was still amazed that ten months, eighteen months, thirty months had passed.

So much has happened in these past eight years. I went from being a drug addict, to a convicted felon, to working dead-end jobs, to building my career and living in the middle of Manhattan. I reconnected with, then lost for a second time an old love; I've rebuilt family bonds (with my nuclear family at least); I've gotten back in touch with my biological father after twenty plus years only to tell him to fuck off.

I've put myself in debt, been promised an inheritance, worked two jobs at seventy hours a week, wasted money, made some... I've basically been finally allowed to live in the past few years.

And it feels great.

As much as life sucks, I still think it's beautiful. As much as people are backstabbing assholes, I still give them the benefit of the doubt, although I have learned from my past mistakes. And as much as it's damn near impossible these days to build a fortune without compromising your morals, I will still try, why? Because regardless of anything, it's the ability to choose that empowers us.

And so this date has marked the beginning of a new personal era. I still see it as a blessing in disguise, because if it weren't for this arrest, I might have overdosed, been shot, or arrested for a much larger quantity, and the power of choice still wouldn't have returned to me yet.

So thanks Big Brother but no thanks >.<

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